Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Workout at Work

Do you sit at a desk all day? Are you worried about what it can do to your body? Flabby tummy? Love handles? Well, worry no more! Here are a few exercises that you can do in your office chair to tighten those buns, strengthen your abs and work out those arms.

Sit on the edge of chair, arms extending in front. Keeping back straight, contract the abs and slowly lower torso towards back of chair. Hold 2-3 seconds and repeat.
Curls: Cross arms over chest and sit up straight. Contract abs and curl shoulder towards hips, pulling abs in. Hold for 2 seconds. Relax. Repeat for 10 reps.

Sitting upright in your chair, tighten your butt muscles and hold to the count of 15. Relax. Repeat 10 reps.
Sitting upright in your chair, no leaning against the chair back, raise both legs and hold to the count of 10. Relax. Repeat for 10 Reps.

Hold your arms, parallel to the ground at shoulder height, out to your side. Slowly raise them until they are parallel with your body. Slowly lower them until they are parallel with the ground again. Repeat twice and rest. Repeat for 10 Reps.

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