I found this site called ZacJohnson.com. It's all about
making money. Something I am totally into of course, so I checked it out. It looks like the intent of the site is to promote money making tactics. I think he has a really great idea going. I love the idea of a site dedicated to helping people make money and grow their assets. However, I do find it hare to understand at times and a bit long winded. But then so is my Sister's blog and that's not always a bad thing. He is very good about making sure you have all the applicable information like in the post
Make Money With Neverblueads he give alot of background that he has with the company and a little bit about how it works. He links you to their site so you can find out more and get started yourself. He keeps it interesting so you want to find out more.
Check out his post on
Mad Money's Jim Cramer, it's just like an introduction to "Let Mad Money's Jim Cramer Help You Make Money". He gives you everything you need to get on board with Jim Cramer. Information on accessing his weekday nights T.V. show on CNBC to how and where to buy his book and even how to get hooked up with his online "Action Alerts Plus".
ZacJohnson, who I am renaming the Money Making King, since he hints at his royalty on the subject on his site, is really great at explaining things and laying them out there.
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