Now that I've got my kids keeping the bathroom upstairs clean, I'm turning my attention to the downstairs. My husband is helping me get my craft room moved out of the laundry room; soon I'll be spending more time in there and I'd really appreciate having a bathroom close by. When I want to get glue off my hands or something, I don't want to have to run upstairs when there's a bathroom right next door that only the cat uses.
This one is not all that wide and I'm looking at smaller bathroom vanities than the one in there now. I may keep the same color scheme (is there one?!) but then again, maybe not. So many choices and styles are available, I can pretty much do whatever I want.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Sun Soaked Beaches
My friends in the southeast regale me with tales of how terrible the heat is there, especially in the summer. But then in the middle of all the whining, sometimes they remember to mention THE OCEAN. One of them is only about an hour and a half from the Atlantic Ocean! She can gather her friends and kids up and take off for a weekend at the beach whenever she feels like it.
Of course, for those who don't want to make even that long a drive for their ocean get-away, they can choose from several Hilton Head rentals. If I ever do that, not that I can afford it, it will be so incredible! Looking out from the balcony at the ocean, having my own path to the beach, the kids building sand castles that they can come back to the next day, basking in the sun while listening to the waves.
Hmmmph. I just walked over to the window while I was daydreaming about this - snow everywhere! The snow is fine, wonderful, and all that, but my mind had conjured up warm, sun-soaked was kind of a jolt!
Of course, for those who don't want to make even that long a drive for their ocean get-away, they can choose from several Hilton Head rentals. If I ever do that, not that I can afford it, it will be so incredible! Looking out from the balcony at the ocean, having my own path to the beach, the kids building sand castles that they can come back to the next day, basking in the sun while listening to the waves.
Hmmmph. I just walked over to the window while I was daydreaming about this - snow everywhere! The snow is fine, wonderful, and all that, but my mind had conjured up warm, sun-soaked was kind of a jolt!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Fifty Years!
My friend was just telling me her parents are about to celebrate their 50th anniversary! They plan to take a cruise to Hawaii; I plan to stowaway in their suitcase, it's COLD here! They even have a share or something in a resort on the island. I would be jealous but really, they honored their commitment of marriage for a very long time - they deserve this.
One thing my friend is worried about is her mother's health. Combined with the fact that her mom is getting a bit forgetful, what if she forgets or runs out of medicine? Missing the cruise would be awful but worse would be getting sick on the cruise. I told her to look into some travel insurance, that way if they have any problems, there would be some peace of mind about money anyway.
Actually, I travel a lot too. Just because I'm not old yet doesn't mean something couldn't go wrong on one of our trips for me or my family. Wonder if I could be covered as a stowaway on a cruise ship to Hawaii?
One thing my friend is worried about is her mother's health. Combined with the fact that her mom is getting a bit forgetful, what if she forgets or runs out of medicine? Missing the cruise would be awful but worse would be getting sick on the cruise. I told her to look into some travel insurance, that way if they have any problems, there would be some peace of mind about money anyway.
Actually, I travel a lot too. Just because I'm not old yet doesn't mean something couldn't go wrong on one of our trips for me or my family. Wonder if I could be covered as a stowaway on a cruise ship to Hawaii?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Visit with Tia's son
I went with Tia to pick up her son and his girlfriend from the airport; her son was still using the luggage that she gave him when he moved out so long ago! A little ratty, the zipper starting to tear away...
Since she wants her boys to visit often, I suggested she check out Samsonite for some luggage that will hold up. There's enough variety for each of her kids to get what they need, even the one who likes hiking up in the wilderness areas. (Plus there's a really cute bag that she should get to replace that briefcase she keeps her "important papers" in.)
Anyway, we all went bowling at Spare Time where we had a lot of fun getting to know each other again and getting to know Brooke (the girlfriend). The kids were happy playing in the arcade as usual. I'm glad mine are still little, I don't have to look at their friends and try to decide if they're acceptable for a spouse to one of my kids!
Since she wants her boys to visit often, I suggested she check out Samsonite for some luggage that will hold up. There's enough variety for each of her kids to get what they need, even the one who likes hiking up in the wilderness areas. (Plus there's a really cute bag that she should get to replace that briefcase she keeps her "important papers" in.)
Anyway, we all went bowling at Spare Time where we had a lot of fun getting to know each other again and getting to know Brooke (the girlfriend). The kids were happy playing in the arcade as usual. I'm glad mine are still little, I don't have to look at their friends and try to decide if they're acceptable for a spouse to one of my kids!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Decorating The House
I have spent some time playing on the RC Willey's website, with their design a room program that lets me place furniture in a room and move it around until I find the perfect combination. Well, I have spent a long time working on getting my girls room planned out. This is not easy as they have 2 closets and a door taking up one full wall and a window on the other. Then they need 3 beds to fit in the room. What we finally decided on is making side by side raised beds with room underneath for them to put their things and play. I want to close off one of the closets and make it into a deep closet for the boys from the other side of the wall, close off the boys closet and turn the girls closet into more of a walk in closet.
But as I was designing it, I really got into it and was having SO much fun. They even have accessories, like I added a floor rug and a cat to Hope's bed. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any cat furniture, or toys to add to the room to make it more realistic! But in the end, I had managed to position 3 beds and a triple dresser in their room with space to walk and play. I am way excited to get started on their remodel!
But as I was designing it, I really got into it and was having SO much fun. They even have accessories, like I added a floor rug and a cat to Hope's bed. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any cat furniture, or toys to add to the room to make it more realistic! But in the end, I had managed to position 3 beds and a triple dresser in their room with space to walk and play. I am way excited to get started on their remodel!
I think romance can be way overrated at times. My husband is not the typical "romantic" type, but I know he loves me. He doesn't bring me wine and roses, buy me chocolates and diamond pendants. He's more practical than that. He does things like make sure my gas tank is always full, get me my medication every morning. He does the laundry and dishes to help out, shovels me a walk way in the snow to my van and brings me dinner while I am working late. It's the little things he does that shows me he cares that makes my day a little brighter. It might not be the fireworks that light up the night, but just the little candle he left on the stairs to help me see my way to the bedroom after a long night at work.
Are You Superbowl Ready???
It's the Patriots and the Giants, facing off in what could be a monumental football game! The Patriots are undefeated and have beaten the Giants once before. The statistic's show that Eli Manning gets typically worse as the season wears on, but this year we saw a "matured" Manning take his team all the way to win the AFC Championships and move on to the Superbowl? But can he pull off another win against the Undefeated Patriots? It remains to be seen.
But now the even bigger challenge...
One Woman, many rowdy, hungry men and kids, a big screen TV and a comfy oversized couch. How are you going to handle the SUPERBOWL PARTY???
Here are some suggestions that might help.
1. Don't stress it. These are guys, they could care less if the knick knacks have been dusted or the floor vacuumed. They want cold drinks, lots of snacks and a good game.
2. Get into the game with them. This is a great opportunity for you to spend some time with your lover, on his turf, doing what he loves. After all, how many times has he gone shopping with you to pick out dresses? You kinda owe him! Read up on the two teams, do a quick get to know the players and who knows, you might find that you actually enjoy it, like I did.
3. Easy Snacks! You do not need to make fancy Hors d’oeuvre. This is a football game! Little smokies in BBQ sauce, chicken wings, chips and soda will suffice! I promise.
4. If you are not into spending time with a bunch of rowdy, noisy game watching football fans, then take some time for yourself. Prepare all the snacks, set them out in the kitchen and sneak off into your own quite part of the house and spend some time doing what you love. Read a good book, scrapbook or craft or watch your favorite movie. Let him have his day, you have yours!
5. When all is said and done, it's his party and he'll cry if he wants to. Win or lose, he needs to help you clean up. You clean up the kitchen, wash the dishes and let him clean up the spilled soda, the chip crumbs and replace the couch cushions that were thrown at the TV when the kicker missed a kick due to a bad snap. Whatever you work out, get him involved.
6. Enjoy the day! That's really what it is all about
But now the even bigger challenge...
One Woman, many rowdy, hungry men and kids, a big screen TV and a comfy oversized couch. How are you going to handle the SUPERBOWL PARTY???
Here are some suggestions that might help.
1. Don't stress it. These are guys, they could care less if the knick knacks have been dusted or the floor vacuumed. They want cold drinks, lots of snacks and a good game.
2. Get into the game with them. This is a great opportunity for you to spend some time with your lover, on his turf, doing what he loves. After all, how many times has he gone shopping with you to pick out dresses? You kinda owe him! Read up on the two teams, do a quick get to know the players and who knows, you might find that you actually enjoy it, like I did.
3. Easy Snacks! You do not need to make fancy Hors d’oeuvre. This is a football game! Little smokies in BBQ sauce, chicken wings, chips and soda will suffice! I promise.
4. If you are not into spending time with a bunch of rowdy, noisy game watching football fans, then take some time for yourself. Prepare all the snacks, set them out in the kitchen and sneak off into your own quite part of the house and spend some time doing what you love. Read a good book, scrapbook or craft or watch your favorite movie. Let him have his day, you have yours!
5. When all is said and done, it's his party and he'll cry if he wants to. Win or lose, he needs to help you clean up. You clean up the kitchen, wash the dishes and let him clean up the spilled soda, the chip crumbs and replace the couch cushions that were thrown at the TV when the kicker missed a kick due to a bad snap. Whatever you work out, get him involved.
6. Enjoy the day! That's really what it is all about
Friday, January 18, 2008
Protecting Your Eyes
It is getting more and more important with each passing day for me to protect my eyes. I am not getting any younger, yet I continue to put my eyes through massive strain each and every day by spending all the time I spend on my computer, staring at the screen. It is not good for any ones eyes and as I get older I realize that I am not invincible and my eyes are suffering.
I heard that there are new glasses made specifically to reduce the strain on your eyes while working on the computer. I guess it is a special glass that reduces glare and protects your eyes. Well looking into it, they are running upwards of $200 a pair! Wow! Way out of my budget!
But then I made a Great Discovery: $ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglassess. Only $8 for eye glasses and they have some really great styles too. For someone that wears glasses daily, this is amazing. Now I am just hoping they have the special glare reducing glasses that I need!

I heard that there are new glasses made specifically to reduce the strain on your eyes while working on the computer. I guess it is a special glass that reduces glare and protects your eyes. Well looking into it, they are running upwards of $200 a pair! Wow! Way out of my budget!
But then I made a Great Discovery: $ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglassess. Only $8 for eye glasses and they have some really great styles too. For someone that wears glasses daily, this is amazing. Now I am just hoping they have the special glare reducing glasses that I need!
Back to The Kindergarten Math Box
Here is a great little activity that just came home with my sons Math Activity box. You take your multi colored beans and help him make patterns. White bean, black bean, red bean, white bean, black bean, red bean, etc. Then you move on to more challenging patterns, white, white, red, white, white, black, etc. My little guy have so much fun doing this. Some were challenging, some were a breeze. then we made our own patterns for each other to copy. I would make one and he would copy it, then he would make one for me to copy.
It really helped him understand pattern and how they work and we got some great mommy/little boy time together, playing with beans.
It really helped him understand pattern and how they work and we got some great mommy/little boy time together, playing with beans.
Moving to Florida! (I Wish)
My dream this time of year..... Move to Florida, own a little condo on the beach where it doesn't snow, there roads never ice and large trucks do not drive around your cul-de-sac at 1am with their lights flashing, sirens going and air brakes engaged, all in the name of plowing snow into your driveway so you have no chance of ever getting out again.
I hear that the real estate market in Florida is really great about now and Florida Refinances are up. So maybe people are anxious to sell their homes on the beach and run this direction to enjoy our beautiful powder skiing, wildlife hikes and pleasant winter weather. If you are one of those people, let me know. I promise, it's great here! But remember, I am looking for cheap!
I hear that the real estate market in Florida is really great about now and Florida Refinances are up. So maybe people are anxious to sell their homes on the beach and run this direction to enjoy our beautiful powder skiing, wildlife hikes and pleasant winter weather. If you are one of those people, let me know. I promise, it's great here! But remember, I am looking for cheap!
Do you worry?
When your child starts getting old enough to branch out and try new things, do you get worried? I do! I worried when he wanted to play flag football, then I really worried when he liked it and wanted to play tackle football. But he loved them both and wants to play tackle football again this year.
Then I get a permission slip home from his teacher, asking my permission to have him tested and put into advanced Algebra next year. Then this week yet another permission slip, he wants to be on the Student Council. I worry that he is pushing himself too much. I worry that he will be hurt if he ever fails, not that I have actually ever seen him fail at anything he really wanted to do, but still I worry. I just worry because, I want to shelter and protect him from all the bad, awful things in this world and I worry that doing that will cause him to miss some of the most amazing joys this world has to offer.
Then I get a permission slip home from his teacher, asking my permission to have him tested and put into advanced Algebra next year. Then this week yet another permission slip, he wants to be on the Student Council. I worry that he is pushing himself too much. I worry that he will be hurt if he ever fails, not that I have actually ever seen him fail at anything he really wanted to do, but still I worry. I just worry because, I want to shelter and protect him from all the bad, awful things in this world and I worry that doing that will cause him to miss some of the most amazing joys this world has to offer.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
New Phones
Working at home like I do, there are a lot of requirements that have to do with my phone line. Sometimes I think it would just be cheaper and easier to install one of those small business phone systems. Not that mine is bad at all, but to be able to have multiple lines available for the quiet times in my job would be awesome. If my current phone system crashes one more time, I do believe I will be looking into something bigger and better! That way I can turn off my cell phone when I'm at work, and what could be bigger or better than that?
Monday, January 7, 2008
It's Tax Time
As with every tax season, I run around the house looking for things I can deduct. They never come out to much, even when you donate boats, and cars it just comes off of your income rather than off of your taxes. Most people don't realize that. It sounds nice to get $5000 off, think of the great refund you'll get. But it isn't. It takes your income down by $5000 so in reality you only see about $45 to $50 added to your return. Not that I'm not thrilled to get $50 extra here or there, it's just never as great as I think it will be! I need to look into IRA's and see if I can find something more there!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Hannah Montana Tickets
I this Hannah Montana show really all it's cracked up to be? My girls are dying to go see Hannah in person but my options are stand in line at 3 in the morning in frigid 10 and 11 degree temperatures or pay upwards of $500 a ticket from scalpers. Is it really worth it?
I could buy so much more with that! Even the super amazing, specialty car spoiler that my brother wants for his new car is less than what I would spend for two tickets to the Hannah Montana Show. Is it really worth it?
Do you think that they would settle for a Hannah Montana shirt and a Hannah Montana toy, it would cost me nearly 90% less than actually buying them tickets. Is it really worth it?
I just can't decide. I have checked into all the other venues throughout the nation, as it is so easy for us to get there, but then again, Is it really worth it??????
I could buy so much more with that! Even the super amazing, specialty car spoiler that my brother wants for his new car is less than what I would spend for two tickets to the Hannah Montana Show. Is it really worth it?
Do you think that they would settle for a Hannah Montana shirt and a Hannah Montana toy, it would cost me nearly 90% less than actually buying them tickets. Is it really worth it?
I just can't decide. I have checked into all the other venues throughout the nation, as it is so easy for us to get there, but then again, Is it really worth it??????
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