Monday, June 18, 2007

Could You Survive?

Here is the question that was posed to me. What would you do if you were stranded in an unknown city with no money or resources? How would you eat? Where would you sleep? What about the weather? How strong of a survivor are you?

Well, for me that would not go over very well, I would probably panic and lose my head. Stick me in the wilderness and I would be fine, no worries at all. In the middle of the city is a completely different story!

If you want some great ideas then check out USA Network's Burn Notice, coming June 28th where 28th Michael Weston, a CIA Operative will show us how he deals with a similar situation.

As for me, I would probably die. There would not be much hope for me. Or I would resort to begging people to take me in. After all, I am still a female and we do have an advantage in that respect to our male counterparts. I think people are much more willing to assist and help a female over a male, for the simple, deep rooted reason that men are supposed to be the strength and the provider, not the needy. People, through a deep rooted stereotype are more willing to help the "damsel in distress" rather than "The Knight in Shining Armour"

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