Well, for me that would not go over very well, I would probably panic and lose my head. Stick me in the wilderness and I would be fine, no worries at all. In the middle of the city is a completely different story!
If you want some great ideas then check out USA Network's Burn Notice, coming June 28th where 28th Michael Weston, a CIA Operative will show us how he deals with a similar situation.
As for me, I would probably die. There would not be much hope for me. Or I would resort to begging people to take me in. After all, I am still a female and we do have an advantage in that respect to our male counterparts. I think people are much more willing to assist and help a female over a male, for the simple, deep rooted reason that men are supposed to be the strength and the provider, not the needy. People, through a deep rooted stereotype are more willing to help the "damsel in distress" rather than "The Knight in Shining Armour"
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