Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Soccer, Football, Dance, When Is It Too Much?

When does it become too much for a child is something that has been discussed over and over and disagreed on on so many levels. However, that is not what I want to discuss. As a mother of five children I know how hard it is to try and balance schedules but my question is when does it become too much for you as a parent?

At the moment, I believe myself to be at the end of that rope. I am still managing, but if I were to try to add one more thing to our schedule I swear it would break. I have my oldest son in football which practices every day with games on Saturday and scouts on Wednesdays, my oldest daughter in Cleerleading on Fridays and girl scouts on Monday nights, my youngest son in Soccer on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my baby girl in Dance on Wednesdays. Now that is on top of my training/work from 6pm to midnight every night and my bowling on Tuesday nights.

My oldest son would now like to bowl the Fall and Winter leagues again. I hate to tell him no because he is actually pretty good at it. Okay, he beats me most of the time, but I just cannot add another thing to my schedule without becoming stressed and overwhelmed.

So what I am wondering, and I would like input on this, is at what point do you start to limit? Or do you? Would I be better off to let him express his talents and rely on another family member to get him to and from bowling? I am just not confident on where to draw the line and what color it should be. Any and all advice would be helpful.

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