Something else about those bathtubs, the walk-in ones I just posted about, I want to show D. It's the fact that the water pressure adds to the security of the door seal. We watched a Mythbuster show about a car going underwater and the occupants not being able to get the door open. They discovered that past a certain point, that's true. They could open the window but not open the door. I just think it's cool that this is used to make these tubs.
I considered something like this for the littles too, it sounds good for anyone. That's what got me started, I worried they would open the door and be thrilled with the resulting flood! But they shouldn't be able to. And I would be happy not to have to watch these tiny little people that have to climb out of a bathtub like the side is Mount Everest! Of course, that's assuming they'll wait and get out when they're supposed to - yeah, right! They don't want to be lifted out, naturally they're 'big' and can 'do it all by myself'. A door would be such a relief.
They're not going to be here this weekend, it will be a more relaxed weekend but I MISS THEM!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Another Way To Help
My parents are discussing moving into an assisted living situation, my dad is the one who wants to, my mother doesn't want to think about it. I don't know if my dad is worried about himself, worried about my mother if he dies or being able to take care of her because he's finding daily life so much more difficult. My mother has been having a lot of trouble with vertigo and I think my dad's afraid she'll fall and get hurt and that he won't be able to lift her to help. Scary. The whole thing is, my dad's always been a very physically active man.
I saw these walk in bathtubs and I think if they stay in their home, this would be a considerable weight off their minds. I like the idea that they have a seat available in the tub or shower. They look really good and they are made of safer acrylic instead of fiberglass which is supposed to be easier to clean. I've been discussing cleaning bathtubs with my friend, I don't think it's supposed to be so difficult to get a tub clean!
Besides my parents, my brother was crippled in an accident as a teen and hauls a chair into his shower every time. He keeps having to hire a cleaning woman because he can't do the work very well himself. Then 9/11 came along and he was hurt again, I thank God for those NY firemen! They're the only reason he's not dead today. Sorry, that was a digression I didn't need, always makes me want to cry. But I hate thinking of my brother alone in his home, he's fallen a couple of times and can't reach a phone. Things that make his life more manageable are always welcome.
I saw these walk in bathtubs and I think if they stay in their home, this would be a considerable weight off their minds. I like the idea that they have a seat available in the tub or shower. They look really good and they are made of safer acrylic instead of fiberglass which is supposed to be easier to clean. I've been discussing cleaning bathtubs with my friend, I don't think it's supposed to be so difficult to get a tub clean!
Besides my parents, my brother was crippled in an accident as a teen and hauls a chair into his shower every time. He keeps having to hire a cleaning woman because he can't do the work very well himself. Then 9/11 came along and he was hurt again, I thank God for those NY firemen! They're the only reason he's not dead today. Sorry, that was a digression I didn't need, always makes me want to cry. But I hate thinking of my brother alone in his home, he's fallen a couple of times and can't reach a phone. Things that make his life more manageable are always welcome.
Love In The Air?
The season is almost here, weddings, beautiful brides, handsome grooms; do you have someone getting married? Ever since my next to youngest came home with a girlfriend to introduce me to, told me they had both changed plans to attend the same college, acted all giddy and goofy around I looking at another one of my babies getting married? Honestly at first, I expected him to announce their plans to marry then. He didn't. She's a delightful girl, that's the word that comes to mind whenever I think of her or talk to her. But they're both so young!
Putting that together though with the weather, and the fact that they see his brother now happily married and with a new beautiful angel baby, I'm figuring I'd better start looking at bridal shower invitations and being prepared. I don't even know the protocol, my mother-in-law and my other son's wife's mother did the prep for the last wedding. This may be yet another benefit of having all boys, I don't have to do all the planning! But I am a woman after all, it might be fun, am I allowed in on it too?
Putting that together though with the weather, and the fact that they see his brother now happily married and with a new beautiful angel baby, I'm figuring I'd better start looking at bridal shower invitations and being prepared. I don't even know the protocol, my mother-in-law and my other son's wife's mother did the prep for the last wedding. This may be yet another benefit of having all boys, I don't have to do all the planning! But I am a woman after all, it might be fun, am I allowed in on it too?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
This morning when I opened my front door, I was disgusted to see so many ants that the sidewalk looks black! At least these aren't the fire ants of the south. It's been getting worse and worse; so far I've sprayed with 409 which worked great on the fire ants coming in when we were in SC. But it didn't work on these for some odd reason or else there are just so many that the next zillion came. Then I tried ammonia, twice I tried it but there seems to have been no results whatsoever. My friend just called and told me to try pouring a line of salt across the door ledge. She said it's a pain and gets tracked in but the ants won't cross it. It doesn't kill them but keeps them out of the house. A couple of intrepid explorer ants have crawled into the salt but that's all so far, we'll see. Time for ant killer! Any tried and true suggestions?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
All Dressed In White

I got this new software, Framing Station, quite awhile ago and have really hesitated downloading it onto my new computer. I got the Ultimate Combo Pack and I was worried that it would be too much for my work computer to have all my work junk and my personal junk and still keep the pace I need it to, to keep up with customers. So, I have waited for my old computer to get back from "the shop" (my brother's house). but since I know that that is never going to happen, I just gave up and loaded it onto my work computer. I am happy to report that it does not seem to take up too much memory and has not affected my systems functionality at all.
So, I finally got this framing software loaded on my system and I started to play with it. Now, I have played with many, many different products and I can tell you, this baby is easy stuff! It is point and click and very simple. That is one of it's best features in my mind, but also one of it's worst. It is great for a beginner. Super simple, easy to use and lots of options. However, for a more advance user, it may be just a bit too simple. It is very limited as to what you can do with your pictures within the program and the frame is the frame, there is no changing it at all. (I am one that likes to tweak everything!) However, the selection is to die for, with literally hundreds of different frames to choose from, you will never be lacking. It came with SO many different disks with SO many different packs on each. The first one I loaded had Weddings, It's A Girl, Happy Birthday, Pets and World's Greatest on it. That's just one of like 14 CD's!!! It's amazing how much there is!
But the coolest part is you can use the frames and your pictures to make custom photo gifts like mouse pads, mugs and lots more from their website. This will totally make for some easy Christmas shopping! Mouse Pad for Mom, Can cooler for Dad, mugs for the Grands. We are talking easy breezy!
1900 House
This has certainly been fun today. At the library I found a movie set called The 1900 House. I remembered someone, my mom I think, telling me about this long ago. I've never seen it so today I watched the first of the two-video set. Didn't take long until my D-man was watching it with me. It was great! He kept noticing and mentioning things like, "That wasn't until the 1900s? Grandpa was born in 1936! It was practically new for him?" Then I was able to tell him my grandmother had had a wringer for clothes. Even the things that were for sale earlier weren't necessarily affordable for the general public for years afterward and he was completely interested in seeing the changes. So was I.
Then we get into the discussion that my dad was born when his dad was over 50 and that his dad was born when HIS dad was over 50 also. Over 100 years of difference between grandfather and grandson. It shocked me when my aunt was last here for a visit; she told me stories from her grandmother that she had heard as a child about her grandmother hiding family valuables from the Union soldiers before they took over their house!
Then we get into the discussion that my dad was born when his dad was over 50 and that his dad was born when HIS dad was over 50 also. Over 100 years of difference between grandfather and grandson. It shocked me when my aunt was last here for a visit; she told me stories from her grandmother that she had heard as a child about her grandmother hiding family valuables from the Union soldiers before they took over their house!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Bookshelf Rises Again
This is so odd to me; I keep wanting to eat but I'm not at all hungry. I decided to just go get something from the kitchen anyway, maybe I just want the taste of something delicious. But nothing looks that appetizing and it ALL looks like too much trouble to bother making. I considered a buttered bagel but really don't want it, so once again I'm sitting at the computer wondering why I want to eat! This is ridiculous. I already know I won't have the bagel, guess I'll just wait until a particular food settles its image in my brain. I'm thinking salad, that's sounding better by the minute. Once I overcome my lazy inertia, I'll go get some. You know that verse in the Bible about the man too lazy to lift his handful of food from the bowl to his mouth? That's me!
Perhaps you Utah people know about the Bookshelf, I wrote about its closing a while ago. I got some incredible Going-Out-Of-Business deals on used books. It was rather sad, rumors of a death in the family, retirement, who really knows? AND THEN...
Yesterday when my friend S and I went to the teacher's supply store, what do we see across the street?! The Bookshelf, open for business, same huge canopy sign, books in the window, ready to go. I'm thrilled but confused. They had a big closing sale to move two blocks down and across the street?
Perhaps you Utah people know about the Bookshelf, I wrote about its closing a while ago. I got some incredible Going-Out-Of-Business deals on used books. It was rather sad, rumors of a death in the family, retirement, who really knows? AND THEN...
Yesterday when my friend S and I went to the teacher's supply store, what do we see across the street?! The Bookshelf, open for business, same huge canopy sign, books in the window, ready to go. I'm thrilled but confused. They had a big closing sale to move two blocks down and across the street?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Money Tans
Have you ever noticed how white people like to be tanned? And think of how tans are described: skin the color of copper, bronze god, golden goddess...are we obsessed with $$?
As a teenager, I was annoyed that many of my friends wanted to spend the day lying in the sun. What could be more boring?! One summer I tried it too. By the end of the summer, I had almost caught up to where everyone else had started! (That may have been because I only managed two hours total the whole summer..)
Maybe I don't tan because I really am not that ambitious; I want enough money to be okay, but money just isn't incredibly important to me. Neither is the copper, bronze, or golden tan. Is there a connection?
I remember walking home with a friend once, we were wearing skirts. My hose had run so I had taken them off before leaving. It was already dark outside, we walked across an unlit school playground. Suddenly my friend started cracking up - she was laughing too hard to talk or even walk. When she finally caught her breath enough to tell me what the deal was, she said, "You're GLOWING! You glow in the dark!" Believe it or not, this is a true story. Does this mean I'm forever doomed to be poor?
As a teenager, I was annoyed that many of my friends wanted to spend the day lying in the sun. What could be more boring?! One summer I tried it too. By the end of the summer, I had almost caught up to where everyone else had started! (That may have been because I only managed two hours total the whole summer..)
Maybe I don't tan because I really am not that ambitious; I want enough money to be okay, but money just isn't incredibly important to me. Neither is the copper, bronze, or golden tan. Is there a connection?
I remember walking home with a friend once, we were wearing skirts. My hose had run so I had taken them off before leaving. It was already dark outside, we walked across an unlit school playground. Suddenly my friend started cracking up - she was laughing too hard to talk or even walk. When she finally caught her breath enough to tell me what the deal was, she said, "You're GLOWING! You glow in the dark!" Believe it or not, this is a true story. Does this mean I'm forever doomed to be poor?
Long ago, I found out that Subway was a franchise. Apparently, you can own it yourself but get the famous name business. This site has so many offerings for franchises that if you have any interest in such a thing (and the $$ for it!), you most likely will find one you want to invest in.
I wanted to get involved in running a franchise but I just invest in Subway by buying all their subs! It's my favorite place to eat, it's what I use to reward my son, it's where I love to buy cookies. I didn't see Subway listed as a choice but there are so many in lots of categories. Someday if I HAVE a net worth and qualify, I may do this.
I'm going to go look again and see if there's anything available for eco-friendly businesses. Oh, also if there's something like Zany Brainy - wouldn't it be great to find a toy store with different offerings than every other generic store around? See, this is why I'm not the right kind to own or run a franchise, I'm interested in the kinds of places that have gone out of business! Other than Subway, of course.
I wanted to get involved in running a franchise but I just invest in Subway by buying all their subs! It's my favorite place to eat, it's what I use to reward my son, it's where I love to buy cookies. I didn't see Subway listed as a choice but there are so many in lots of categories. Someday if I HAVE a net worth and qualify, I may do this.
I'm going to go look again and see if there's anything available for eco-friendly businesses. Oh, also if there's something like Zany Brainy - wouldn't it be great to find a toy store with different offerings than every other generic store around? See, this is why I'm not the right kind to own or run a franchise, I'm interested in the kinds of places that have gone out of business! Other than Subway, of course.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Work To Live, Is It All About Money?
I had a discussion with one of my boys about how frustrating it is to spend life working just to make money so that you can continue to live so that you can go to work to make money to ...
I'm not all that into money but I know it's almost the main point of life. No, I don't deep down believe that - I think our spiritual lives are more important but leaving our spirit untended won't kill us in this life, leaving our physical lives untended will. It puts what I consider way too much importance on the physical.
Over on Random Musings Of A Deranged Soul, Pisio seems to be feeling the same way. I like his idea of relaxation, going hiking. My favorite shoes are my hiking boots, my favorite childhood memories include hiking in the mountains. I also like the way he turned his feeling of hopelessness into a thank you for the soldiers that give him the opportunity to even be ABLE to complain and expect more out of life. Food for thought, whether you agree soldiers should be there or not. SOMEONE has fought in the past for us to have this comfortable present.
I'm not all that into money but I know it's almost the main point of life. No, I don't deep down believe that - I think our spiritual lives are more important but leaving our spirit untended won't kill us in this life, leaving our physical lives untended will. It puts what I consider way too much importance on the physical.
Over on Random Musings Of A Deranged Soul, Pisio seems to be feeling the same way. I like his idea of relaxation, going hiking. My favorite shoes are my hiking boots, my favorite childhood memories include hiking in the mountains. I also like the way he turned his feeling of hopelessness into a thank you for the soldiers that give him the opportunity to even be ABLE to complain and expect more out of life. Food for thought, whether you agree soldiers should be there or not. SOMEONE has fought in the past for us to have this comfortable present.
Monday, April 7, 2008
My Baby Boys Are Daddies!
Every once in a while I have to go into a little mini-panic at that thought!
Last night I called my daughter-in-law. I'm always afraid to call new parents, what if they were actually sneaking in some sleep? But I had to, I was hoping to hear the baby in the background squeaking or squealing, even screaming, I don't care! I want to hear my grandbaby boy!
Anyway, I have a pile of new baby things by my front door in a bag, waiting to be packaged and taken to the post office to mail. It's been there for TWO WEEKS! This is a loving grandmother? A loving mother? And my daughter-in-law Heather told me what she really needs and wants the most right now is a mobile for the baby's crib - that's what's sitting by my door among other things. How pathetic am I?
I'm off to the post office. Well, after a run to get the packing tape I forgot. In my defense, I'm in training for a new job, several stores were out of brown mailing paper, the grandbabies that are here have been horribly sick...even so. These gifts will go out today!
This so badly makes me want to go with the gifts, I want to see my boy and his new son. Two of my boys have boys of their own!!!!!! And one has a daughter as well! Where are my babies?
Last night I called my daughter-in-law. I'm always afraid to call new parents, what if they were actually sneaking in some sleep? But I had to, I was hoping to hear the baby in the background squeaking or squealing, even screaming, I don't care! I want to hear my grandbaby boy!
Anyway, I have a pile of new baby things by my front door in a bag, waiting to be packaged and taken to the post office to mail. It's been there for TWO WEEKS! This is a loving grandmother? A loving mother? And my daughter-in-law Heather told me what she really needs and wants the most right now is a mobile for the baby's crib - that's what's sitting by my door among other things. How pathetic am I?
I'm off to the post office. Well, after a run to get the packing tape I forgot. In my defense, I'm in training for a new job, several stores were out of brown mailing paper, the grandbabies that are here have been horribly sick...even so. These gifts will go out today!
This so badly makes me want to go with the gifts, I want to see my boy and his new son. Two of my boys have boys of their own!!!!!! And one has a daughter as well! Where are my babies?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Cheaper To Fly?!
My friend just took off for a vacation with some of her kids. If you're considering a vacation yourself now that spring is here (or almost, depending on where you are), you may want to check out these travel deals. They don't just have offers for the U.S., nor do they only offer exotic destinations, looks like pretty much anywhere you have in mind! At the beginning they offer you their specials, they have a lot "on sale".
I keep thinking I'm going to drive to Cali but with gas prices what they are, some of the travel deals offered are better than do-it-yourself driving. I find that highly annoying! I enjoy driving on trips but I don't like finding places to spend the night. Since I sold my RV, it's time to reconsider how I'll make my next trip. Isn't it true that DRIVING yourself used to be the way poor people (and adventurous people!) were able to visit family and tourist spots? It's barely even feasible anymore!
I keep thinking I'm going to drive to Cali but with gas prices what they are, some of the travel deals offered are better than do-it-yourself driving. I find that highly annoying! I enjoy driving on trips but I don't like finding places to spend the night. Since I sold my RV, it's time to reconsider how I'll make my next trip. Isn't it true that DRIVING yourself used to be the way poor people (and adventurous people!) were able to visit family and tourist spots? It's barely even feasible anymore!
Friday, April 4, 2008
How Is Asparagus To Be Cooked
My oldest (big A) bought asparagus, he knows he likes it but wasn't quite sure how to cook it. He asked me more than once to find out since I didn't really know for sure either. I told him I was pretty sure it needed to be steamed and that I think it takes a long time to cook.
So he fried some in butter. And loved it. So did the baby.
I think the reason he didn't save me any is because I never looked it up for him to be sure! Meanie.
So he fried some in butter. And loved it. So did the baby.
I think the reason he didn't save me any is because I never looked it up for him to be sure! Meanie.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Stay At Home Massage?
Little D was sick enough this weekend that big A had to go buy new covers. He got the down comforter he had been wanting as well as matching sheets. He needed a new pillow too and came home jazzed to have a memory foam pillow! So far he really likes it, I'm not sure I would or not. But I would like this, it's a mattress that acts more like a massage chair.
Ever since I sat in a demo model in a chair at a California mall, I've been on the lookout for this massager that has what feels like actual hands massaging your neck or back! It was amazingly, ridiculously expensive - but if I had the money I would have bought it anyway and considered it a perfectly good deal. I would, no doubt but I've never found it again.
These mattresses I'm seeing remind me of a super wide lounge chair some family friends had when I was a child, it was a vibrating chair large enough for two or three. The mattresses look even better than that, it massages instead of just vibrates. I think I want one.
Ever since I sat in a demo model in a chair at a California mall, I've been on the lookout for this massager that has what feels like actual hands massaging your neck or back! It was amazingly, ridiculously expensive - but if I had the money I would have bought it anyway and considered it a perfectly good deal. I would, no doubt but I've never found it again.
These mattresses I'm seeing remind me of a super wide lounge chair some family friends had when I was a child, it was a vibrating chair large enough for two or three. The mattresses look even better than that, it massages instead of just vibrates. I think I want one.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Poor Baby
My grandson was horribly sick this weekend; his prescription from the doctor was for suppositories. Now I've never had these prescribed for any of my boys. When my son dosed him (the baby is 27 months), the poor little guy threw a fit, yelling and crying. My son told me he was impressed by how effective they are but he sure hated "giving" them to him. I said, Yes, I hear him crying. Hurts him, I guess. I loved my son's answer:
No, you know, I don't think it hurts so much as...well, it's more like he's just saying, "What the hell?!"
No, you know, I don't think it hurts so much as...well, it's more like he's just saying, "What the hell?!"
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