Sunday, December 28, 2008
Mesothelioma Answers and Support
Dieting Right
Personally, I prefer a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. Unprocessed foods, fresh fruits and veggies, plenty of rest and lots of invigorating exercise. I noticed that when I started eating better and spent more time moving and less time sitting I felt better, I looked better and I had a ton more energy. Not to mention, I knew that I was not taking anything that could possibly cause my body serious harm now or later in life.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
It's Almost Here!
I love the Christmas Season because there is no other time during the year that you put so much effort into showing the people you love that you care about them. And there is nothing I enjoy more than showing those I love that I care about them. However, sometimes in doing that it can cause me a lot of stress. I am on a limited budget and if given the opportunity I would buy the world for those I love just to see them happy. And then there are all the little things that I want to do with them, not just for them. The baking, the decorating, the parties. It all costs money and in today's world, a lot of money. So the stress for me is pretty real, but well worth it! However, when it is all over I want to get a room, at a vegas hotel, drop the kids off at my Mother's and enjoy a relaxing weekend with my husband, at the spa, in the warmth of Nevada.
But until then, I am really excited for Christmas to come. Excited to celebrate the birth and life of My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with the ones I love the most.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Mulling Spices
Mulling is a tradition that dates back many centuries where beverages are heated and mulling spices are added and infused throughout the drink. Common beverages in which to use mulling spices are Juices, Ciders, Brandies and even Hot Chocolate.
Mulling spices can be anything from your basic Cinnamon to Star Anise spices to Orange and Lemon Peel and just about anything in between. The most popular are Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Allspice, Cloves, Anise, Orange and Lemon Peel, Pineapple Fruit and Cherries.
Mulling can be achieved by grinding the spices or fruits into a powder and adding them directly to your beverage or you can use a tea bag or cheesecloth bag to add the whole leaves and berries and allowing them to sit in the bag, in the beverage and removed just before serving.
If you would like a wonderful new treat try this Recipe for Mulled Hot Cocoa:
1 Gallon Hot Cocoa
1 tsp. Cinnamon Powder
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg Powder
1/8 tsp. Cloves Powder
1/2 Dried Orange Peel
Add the Orange Peel to the Hot Cocoa and allow to simmer for 7-10 minutes. Add the powdered spices and simmer another 5 minute. Remove the Orange Peel and throw it away. Serve.
This is a wonderfully mellow Mulled Hot Cocoa. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Scary Economy
And the worst part is these banks/credit card companies and other "big businesses" are having to "lay off" their corporate CEO's and other big wigs with pensions that most of us would have to work a lifetime or more to earn!
So now, here's my solution.... Let those that made bad business decisions go bankrupt (natural consequences, after all!) and take that 700 Billion dollar bailout, pay off the national debt and let the hard working Americans do what we always do, work hard and look towards a better future with lower taxes and less idiots to bailout!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Revisited: Keeping Kids Rooms Tidy
"I have struggled, trying many different ideas to get my children to get their rooms cleaned and keep them that way. I finally found something that has worked! We made a bedroom cleaning chart that has worked so well. We had to tweak it a little the first time we went through it to accommodate everything in their individual rooms and their individual personalities as well as to not make any one step over whelming but the finished product has worked like a charm.
They start with their 30 minutes of cleaning every day and get as far through the list as they can. Then the next day they start at the top again so as not to get behind again and work as far as they can until eventually they finished the last thing on the list and the next day they started at the top and got through the whole list in a matter of minutes and were able to get on to other chores in the house.
Now their rooms have this quick checklist that they go through everyday to keep their rooms clean and they are much happier and so am I. Below are the two lists that I created. Feel free to use them and adapt them to your children's individual needs.
Boy’s Bedroom Cleaning
Make Your Bed
Pick Up All Blankets, Pillows & Stuffed Toys
Pick Up All Dirty Clothes
Take All Dirty Clothes To The Laundry Room
Pick Up All Clean Clothes & Put Away
Put All Shoes In The Closet
Pick Up & Throw Away All Trash
Pick Up Lego’s
Pick Up All Other Toys And Put Them Away
Put Away All Things That Belong Somewhere Else
Girl’s Bedroom Cleaning
Make Your Bed
Pick Up All Blankets, Pillows & Stuffed Toys
Pick Up All Dirty Clothes
Take All Dirty Clothes To The Laundry Room
Pick Up All Clean Clothes & Put Away
Put All Shoes In The Closet
Pick Up & Throw Away All Trash
Pick Up All Dolls And Put Them Away
Pick Up All Other Toys And Put Them Away
Put Away All Things That Belong Somewhere Else
I hope you can find this as helpful as it has been to me."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Baby Mama
This weekend however, I finally found the time and energy to tackle the HUGE job of reclaiming my family room which had turned into the family dumping ground. There were boxes and toys and clothes, a set of mattresses laid out on the floor and one single pathway between the bottom of the stairs and my office which if the childrens computer was being used, I was required to walk on the mattresses to get to my office! But in less than 6 hours, with the help of my enlisted children, we got it done. We move the couch forward and opened up a place in the back of the family room for Lee's weight bench even. The couch is now close enough to the TV that you can actually see it and it is now a comfortable room in which for us to watch our movies and spend time. Eventually I want a flat screen TV to hang on the back wall and home theater seating along with a coxy fireplace in the corner, but for now what we have is much better than what we had.
So with my reclaimed family room, I went out and rented 3 movies. One of which was Baby Mama. We were able to sit down and watch it, but after a period of time, I realized that this was by no means a children's movie and I had to kick the children out of the room. But Lee and I really enjoyed it. It is a very cute story about a lady that can not get pregnant, is not married and desperatly wants a baby. She finally decides on serrogacy and before long the plot is moving. As most movies it gets very predictable, but I do have to admit, there was one part that I did not expect. That was very refreshing. It will make you laugh and I would highly reccommend it to any pregnant women or mother's.
Stretch Your Laundry Detergent
Add 1/3 cup of baking soda to 2/3 cup Laundry Soap prior to adding to the wash. This will not only stretch your laundry soap but also helps to eliminate odors and keep them out of your clothes, as well. Baking soda is very inexpensive and easy to come by. But the biggest thing you have to remember with this trick is you need GOOD laundry soap to start with. This trick is not going to work with Purex or some of the other cheapish brands. Hopefully, this little trick will be as beneficial to you as it has been to me. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Pants for My Man
So he made the request for a couple new pairs of pants and some nice shirts. Not a difficult request. I would just run out to Smith and Edwards and pick up a couple pairs of nice Wranglers. Simple enough, right? WRONG! First I decide to stop at IFA and see if they have the right style and what the price is. I end up picking up a pair of jeans for him and two pairs of Croc's for Ladybug (they were on clearance for a buck!) and dragging Baby out of the store kicking and screaming because she wants a bunny! Yes, a real live bunny rabbit with long ears and soft fur that I made the mistake of letting her pet. (I won't do that again!). Then we work on making our way to Smith and Edwards. Something that should have been a very easy task as I visit this store very, very often. However, my wonderful mind has issues with directions so I end up getting on the wrong road and can't find it. After a desperate phone call to DDad and the best directions he can give over the phone, Baby and I end up at our destination. I thank my father and in we go with just under 40 minutes to get pants and get home. We grab two pairs of pants for Lee at $19.99 a pair, and I decide that the identical pair that I just bought from IFA for $31.99 are going back.... tomorrow. I buy the pants and head out the door and head for home. We make it just in time for Baby to get ready and go to Dance.
A couple days later I returned the third pair to IFA and got my money back. But now I am still looking for a couple more pants and some nice shirts for him. He is pretty hard on clothing so I need something sturdy yet with that business look. I found some pretty nice tactical pant, the kind the police and military wear, but I worry that they might not be "business" enough. They are definitely sturdy, with reinforced knees and seat and plenty of pockets, 10 to be exact! I really think he would like them, but I just can't decide on the "business appeal" of them?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Workout at Work
Sit on the edge of chair, arms extending in front. Keeping back straight, contract the abs and slowly lower torso towards back of chair. Hold 2-3 seconds and repeat.
Curls: Cross arms over chest and sit up straight. Contract abs and curl shoulder towards hips, pulling abs in. Hold for 2 seconds. Relax. Repeat for 10 reps.
Sitting upright in your chair, tighten your butt muscles and hold to the count of 15. Relax. Repeat 10 reps.
Sitting upright in your chair, no leaning against the chair back, raise both legs and hold to the count of 10. Relax. Repeat for 10 Reps.
Hold your arms, parallel to the ground at shoulder height, out to your side. Slowly raise them until they are parallel with your body. Slowly lower them until they are parallel with the ground again. Repeat twice and rest. Repeat for 10 Reps.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Time to cut back?
I had a friend tune me into one company that will help us out when it comes to my families glasses. After all, Big C and I are both dependent on our glasses for daily life functions. What would we do if we were to break our glasses? My insurance only provides for one set of frames and lenses per year. But thanks to my good friend T, I was turned on to a company called Zenni Optical. Their prices on eyeglasses and frames are incredible, so affordable! Frames starting at just $8 with lens tinting available for less than $5! They have Men's and Women's frames and even Kids frames! It's good to know that I don't have to worry about my families glasses. Even with the downturn of the economy, I can afford to see, and look good doing it!
Movie Night
Spinach Artichoke Dip
1 Tbsp Butter or Margarine
1 Small Onion Chopped
1 8oz pkg. Cream Cheese
1 8oz tub Sour Cream
1 pkg frozen spinach
1 Jar Marinated Artichoke Hearts, chopped
1 Cup Kraft Shredded Italian Cheese Blend
Saute the onion in the butter until clear. Add the rest of the ingredients, in order and stir until well mixed over medium heat, adding the cheese blend just before serving. Dish into a serving container and sprinkle with a little more cheese for presentation.
*To add a little kick, you can add 1/4 cup jalapeno's, finely chopped before the spinach.
Serve with chips or toasted bread. Garlic bread is especially yummy with this!
Quick Fudge:
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 8oz package Semi-Sweet Baker's Chocolate squares
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Line an 8x8 baking dish with aluminum foil, leaving flaps on the edges to use to lift the fudge out of the dish. In a microwave safe bowl, pour the milk and add the squares of chocolate. Microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir until chocolate is melted. Add Vanilla and pour into the baking dish. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.
Now there are some things guaranteed to throw some life back into your movie nights!
Shopping for Fixtures
Amid the groans and moans, fussing and whining, we made it to the local Home Depot to start our search for a new tub faucet. After 3 stops at the drinking fountain, one detour to the lawn and garden section to retrieve the 5 year old of the riding lawn mowers and a stop at the restrooms, we found ourselves in the bathroom section.
To my surprise, their was a HUGE array of faucet selections! So large in fact that the children got caught up in a game we play called "I Spy" where someone describes a detail or two and the rest have to guess which one they are talking about. This turned into alot of fun, even for me, and before long we had moved from the bathroom faucets to the kitchen faucets and ultimately ended with trying to agree on how to redecorate our kitchen. Sorry Little Man, we will not be installing cabinets with the Batman symbol engraved. But the Corian counter top you found will be coming home soon, I'm sure!
As for the tub faucet, we settled on a plain silver one with ceramic handles, much like the one we already had. But the day turned out to be much more fun that I had prepared myself for.
Let's Move Up In The World, PLEASE!
Save On Electronics
Football Sunday
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Vogue Magazine
I was excited about it because it was in German and I thought that my son would be excited to see it. However, as I was showing my husband the pages and how it was printed in German, being the wonderful Man that he is, he noticed not the words or the language at all. No, his attention was drawn immediately to the pictures of naked women that I had neglected to notice at all! Which just goes to show you the difference in a Man and a Woman!
However, upon noticing that, I started flipping through the rest of the magazine and it resembles a playboy magazine more closely than it does a fashion magazine. I was shocked and very disappointed! Not only can I not give this little treasure to my son to take to his German class, but it is also something that I will never, ever purchase. What a disappointment!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Home Spa Time
Bath Salts:
Making your own bath salts is a quick, easy and inexpensive way to add an extra ounce of relaxation to your Spa Bath.
You will need: Epsom Salt, Baking Soda, Sea Salt, Food Coloring and Essential Oil in your favorite fragrance. Start by mixing 3 cups of Epsom Salt, 1 cup of Sea Salt and 2 cups of Baking Soda. Mix well and slowly add your choice of food coloring. (Hint: to mix colors, mix in a separate container prior to mixing with the salts.) Add the food coloring a drop at a time until your desired color is reached. Then add the essential oil, remembering that the stronger the salts, the less you have to use but too strong will make it unpleasant. Once mixed, the salts can be kept in a Ziploc baggie or a Tupperware container until used up.
Quick and Easy Facial
The perfect way to Relax and Rejuvenate after a long day is a soothing, moisturizing mask and eye compress to moisturize and relax away the stress of the day, leaving your skin healthier and more toned than ever.
2 slices of cucumber
2 tablespoons of honey
2 teaspoons of milk
Combine honey and milk, stirring until completely combined.
Apply to face and throat.
Take the cucumber and place one on each eye.
Lie down for 10 minutes.
Remove cucumber and rinse off mask with warm water.
Foot Spa
Treat your feet to a soak in this milk and water mixture and follow it with the sugar scrub for incredibly soft feet.
7 cups of water
2 cups of milk
1/2 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons of lotion
Heat the water and milk and in a pot on the stove or microwave in a microwave safe bowl. Heat it as hot as your feet can handle. In a separate bowl mix the sugar and lotion.
Pour milk mixture into large bowl and soak your feet for at least 10 minutes. Then use the sugar and lotion mixture to massage your feet to exfoliate and moisturize. Rinse with clean water and pat dry. Massage additional lotion to soften your feet.
Oatmeal Hand Spa and Care Treatment
This is a wonderfully gentle hand scrub made from oatmeal, lemon juice and olive oil that leaves your hands nourished and soft.
1 cup + 2 tbsp oatmeal
1 ½ tsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp olive oil
¼ cup Water
Add Water to 1 cup of oatmeal and let stand until oatmeal is softened, about 10 to 15 minutes. Add Lemon juice and Olive Oil to 2 tbsp Oatmeal and mix well.
Massage mixture into your hands and allow to stand 1 or 2 minutes. Rinse with cool, clean water and pat dry. Liberally apply moisturizer to your hands and let it soak in 10-15 minutes. Then dry with a clean cloth.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
School Pictures?
Now here are some great alternatives; all of which I have used many times.
Take your own pictures.
As simple as that sounds, it has been the best option for me, over and over again. I started out with a 35mm camera and two rolls of film. I have since moved into using a digital camera. Both options have returned beautiful pictures. I will take my kids up into the mountains in the fall and take their pictures in the beautiful fall leaves. We will take a couple different shirts and a couple props from what ever was their activity of choice that year i.e. footballs, dance clothes and shoes, ice skates or cowboy hats and boots. It made the pictures very personal to each child. We pack a picnic lunch and make a fun day of it. By the time I am through, I have spent less than $50 for film, processing, enlargements, gas and lunch.
The other option that I use often, especially for Football or Dance pictures are the discount retail stores like Wal-Mart and Target. I tend to prefer Target over Wal-Mart because I get to chose a package from a variety of poses. Wal-Mart makes you take the package from the first pose only and then the rest are very expensive. The other great thing about Target that I have not seen Wal-Mart offer is you can choose either the very inexpensive package, or you can choose to purchase by the sheet at a very low initial price. However, if you end up without enough pictures then any reprints are very expensive. On the other hand, Target has just the basic backgrounds... White, Black and Brown where as Wal-Mart's backgrounds are constantly changing and are usually very fun and bright. Either option is great for someone that is nervous about taking pictures themselves. You can usually get packages for around $7 per child.
Either of the above options are more time consuming than just doing your daughter's hair a little nicer and sending her off to school in the morning, but I can almost guarantee that you will get much better pictures and you will save LOTS of money!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Coconut Oil for Weight Loss?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Quick and Easy Holiday Appetizers
That being said, I don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. A few pies, stuff the turkey and I am just about done. I want to get to that snuggling, or snuzzling as Baby calls it. So anything beyond that needs to be quick and simple. Things that I can outsource to the littlest of children. So over the years I have found great appetizers recipes that are both quick and easy as well as scrumptious! Here are some of my favorites:
Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts
1 Pkg. Bacon cut in to thirds
1 Can. Sliced Water Chestnuts
BBQ Sauce:
3/4 c. ketchup
1/2 c. sugar
1/3 c. brown sugar
Wrap each water chestnut slice with 1/3 slice of bacon. Push a toothpick all the way through to secure the bacon to the chestnut. Lay on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Mix BBQ sauce ingredients in a sauce pan and heat until sugars are dissolved. Remove bacon wrapped water chestnuts from oven the and drain off the grease. Dip each in the BBQ sauce and lay them back on the cookie sheet. Return them to the oven for 20 minutes. Serve Warm.
Another favorite is Mexican Seven Layer Bean Dip:
1 can refried beans
1 can Fritos Bean Dip
1 container Guacamole dip
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup Mayonnaise
1 pkg taco seasoning
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup shredded Monterrey Jack Cheese
1 can sliced black olives
1 cup diced tomatoes
1/2 chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped green onion
Mix beans and spread in the bottom of a 13x9" baking dish. Cover with a layer of guacamole dip. Mix the Mayonnaise, sour cream and taco seasoning and cover the guacamole layer. Mix cheeses and sprinkle to completely cover the sour cream. Top with olives, tomatoes and onions.
For more great appetizer recipes and all your holiday cooking needs, take a minute and visit My They have a huge database of holiday recipes to make any party absolutely fabulous!
Darling Fall Decorations
1 Roll of Toilet Paper
1 Fall Patterned Fat Quarter
1 7" Strip of Green Patterned Fabric
1 4" x 4" Piece of Brown Paper Bag
1 Piece of brown string
Set the roll of Toilet paper in the center of the fat quarter, with the fabric print side down. Pull the fabric up around the toilet paper roll and tuck it into the center of the toilet paper roll, wrapping it completely. Roll the paper bag piece and tie a string around it. Lay the piece of green fabric across the hole in the toilet paper and stuff it down in the toilet paper hole with the rolled up paper bag piece to make it look like the leaves and stem.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hannah Montana Books
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Chiropractic sound good?
A Fantastic Halloween Costume
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Fall is Fast Approaching
Cure Acne Naturally
As a 30 year old woman, I am finding that I am still struggling with a slight case of acne. Nothing heavy and nothing that would cause me to wear tons of make-up, but a pimple here and there and once in awhile, one that gets really ugly and is a bit embarrassing. So I started looking for natural acne cures. Things that don't break my budget and help me be more natural. Here is what I found on I can't verify any of it, but I will let you know if any of it work, because I will definitely be trying some of it.
"Some Natural Anti-Acne Products you will find in the market Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera, Zinc, and Vitamin A are some natural products that have been used with some success to cure Acne. A word of caution about 'natural' skin care items. They often contain certain chemicals for preservation purposes. Some of these may not be advisable for you if you're pregnant or have certain special health considerations. As mentioned, it is best to consult with your doctor before embarking on any therapy.
Tea Tree Oil - Tea Tree Oil is obtained from the Melaleuca alternifoliais tree from Australia. It is very effective against Acne as it contains bacteria-fighting substances called Terpenes. Acne is often caused by bacteria and the Terpenes either outright kill them or weaken them enough to be destroyed by protective antibodies. There are very little side effects from using Tea Tree Oil.
Aloe Vera - The watery gel from Aloe Vera plant is also a highly effective natural cure against Acne. The enzyme-rich gel has very soothing anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It can also be taken internally and helps clean up and detox the digestive tract. This in turn can help clear up the skin.
Zinc - Zinc is taken in the form of capsules. It helps to strengthen the human immune system and to repair the skin.
Vitamin A - Vitamin A tablets are also a natural and effective Acne cure. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin.
Vitamin E - Vitamin E also helps in countering Acne. It is a natural antioxidant and beneficial for the skin. Vitamin E comes in soft gelatin capsules that contain Vitamin E, Soybean Oil, Glycerin, and Water.
Some Natural Homemade Cures to counter Acne - The most important thing to do if you suffer from Acne is to drink at least four pints of water every day. Drinking a lot of water is very beneficial to your skin. Including fresh fruit and leafy green vegetables in your daily diet will also bring about a marked improvement in the quality of your complexion.
Before bathing, apply a mixture of tomato pulp – real tomota pulp, not packaged one – honey and rose-water to your face and keep for twenty minutes before washing off.
At night, before going to bed, apply a mix of cream, glycerine, and lemon juice to your face and again keep it on for a short while before washing.
Regular Yoga exercises will also improve skin and overall health.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Run For The Health Of It
So my challenge for this week is start with just 20 minutes every other morning and go running. You can even run around the block with your child. Do it for you. Do it for them. It will clear your head and make you more efficient throughout the day.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Removing Crayon From Laundry
This is a great tip that every mom should have in her never ending supply of ideas. Yes, this is a discovery made due to necessity. As I was putting my girls to bed one night I realized they had no pants to wear to school the next day so I ran downstairs and hastily put all the jeans I could find into the washing machine and I went to bed. Early the next morning I got up for work, put the jeans in the dryer and signed on to work. After work I woke the girls, put them in the shower and came down to have their jeans warm and ready for them when they got out.
Much to my dismay, one of my children, my suspicion lies with my youngest boy, had left an orange crayon in their pocket. Not a pair of jeans were safe. Every single pair of jeans had the unmistakable markings of melted crayon. Well, needless to say, my girls got a new pair of pants that morning and I went in search of a miracle cure for melted crayon.
What I found was a wonderful product call Goo-Gone, sold by most large retailers and grocery stores in their Laundry and Cleaning sections. It is a solvent that works on almost everything. I personally have used it for years to remove everything from candle wax from a shirt to price stickers from plastic and glass surfaces. This stuff is almost as versatile as WD-40! But would it take out the wax and color of the crayon?
Well, I found that it did a great job of breaking up the wax and removing some of the color but something more was needed for the remaining color. This is where I introduced, plain old, everyday dish soap.
So here's the process. Place a white paper towel between the layers of fabric. Squirt GooGone on the spots and allow to sit and absorb. I found that if I squirted one pair and then squirted another pair, I could then return to the first pair to start scrubbing. Using a toothbrush I would scrub in small circles a few times then I would freely add some dish soap and continue scrubbing. I was convinced that it was working by the orange tint arising in the bristles of the toothbrush. After scrubbing each individual spot I then washed in hot water with extra detergent.
I was really amazed by how well this process worked. There were no residual grease marks or color. The jeans all looks as great as they did before the crayon attacked them.
Monday, August 18, 2008
College Road Trip
The story line of the movie is an over protective father who's not so little girl getting ready to go to college in another state. He decided to take her on a road trip to "re-connect". Along the way he does every stupid thing imaginable to keep his daughter from "going away" to college. Along the way they do manage to reconnect while they get themselves in to alot of very funny mischief.
It really was a good family movie, possibly not for the younger kids, but for the older ones and Lee and I, we totally loved it!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Free Silver Jewelry
I can tell you, I have ordered quite a few pieces from these guys and I have been completely satisfied and often wowed by the quality and craftsmanship of their pieces. This is definitely not costume jewelry.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Starbucks, What Do You Think?
Are Pills Really The Answer?
When Computers Get Old
Saving Garden Spinach
Dress Your Home in Fabrics
There are so many small things you can do to make a HUGE difference. Starting small will give you the confidence to tackle larger projects. Start with some throw pillows for your couch. Look around your living room. Is there a picture or a certain color that you would like to draw into your decorating? Personally, I have a curio cabinet with all my dolls and a light pink picture of dolls that was given to me years and years ago. The picture has always gone with my dolls, but it does not match my new living room. However, I was able to find a fabric that had the same pink from the picture and the brown and blue from my couch, a strange combination I agree, but once I made some throw pillows, it pulled the whole thing together seamlessly.
Now Valances and Swags are not my thing. I know you can do them yourself, but for me, I prefer to purchase them. However, I can still have control over the colors, patterns and textures but finding the right place. Fabric Workroom is a wonderful option to actually making your own. You have the ability to mix and match a myriad of designer fabrics, you can choose from classic styles or create your own custom window treatments. Their prices are affordable and their selection is great.
Other great DIY options are blankets and throws. They create a carefree, cozy, "this is my place" kind of feel to any room. Blankets and throws are so easy to make and can be done in an afternoon with minimal supplies. Tied fleece throws are great for kids rooms, dens or family rooms and fleece comes in many, many different colors and patterns. You can even find sports prints, animal prints or licensed character prints to match just about any decor. Light fabrics combined with a very thin batting can be quilted into a heirloom couch blanket in a matter of a day or two. With blankets and throws, the possibilities are endless.
I hope this gives you some inspiration and a desire to get out there and DIY! Turn your home into "your home".
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Pack it Safely
Moving? Make It Easy On Yourself!
Well, she was going to drive here but her little car was WAY to small to fit even the smallest of furniture, except, I think she did somehow manage the computer chair, without the wheels? She looked into renting a U-Haul truck but the price on a one way rental was astronomical! Then she found this thing called a Moving Pod!
I had never heard of any such thing! It's a portable storage container. They bring it to you, drop it at your doorstep (figuratively), leave it there while you load it and then when you are ready to go you schedule a pick-up, they load it up and haul it to your destination for you! Once there, they secure it in their storage lot until you are ready for it again and once again, they bring it to your doorstep for easy unloading! The whole idea ofmoving pods is just amazingly simple. But the best part about the whole thing was the price! Nearly half the price of a U-Haul, more than half the price of a moving company and yet, all the transportation is done for you. It is just such a convient option to regular moving, I can't believe I had never heard of it!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Relax In Paradise

I do have to point out just one thing, just so you all don't think that I am all about the aesthetics, after all, my husband does, this particular cover is made with heavy duty re-enforced outdoor vinyl and the most durable and proven ink sets available. It is tested and proven to be waterproof, resistant of the chemicals used in most spa's, they won't tear, mildew or shrink.
And as for the wood on the gazebo, I might have fought against that horrible looking, green, treated wood with the little holes all over in it, but I agreed to redwood and yes, resealing it every year. And I did give in on the plastic vs. real wood flooring. But in my defense, what good is a spa if it is not relaxing? And just how relaxing can it be without being aesthetically appealing??? So, my paradise is now in the works, complete with a beautiful spa cover to give the look of a plush forest, redwood gazebo and plastic floor (awww, we all take a little, give a little). Now, if I could just find that cabana boy!
Monday, July 28, 2008

Tony Mitton has a wonderful way with words and a very creative imagination that grows throughout his writing which flows off the pages and into your child's head in a colorful imaginative story full of excitement and fun.
Guy Parker-Rees illustration's are so colorful and vibrant that they just jump off the pages and into your child's imagination to complete the total, amazing experience.
This is a book not to miss. Take the time to find it and read it to your children. I was able to get my copy through the Scholastic book orders my children brought home and I am sure that your local library would have a copy to check out. But however you get your hands on it, just do it, read it and I hope you can enjoy it as much as my children and I have.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Keeping Kids Bedrooms Tidy
They start with their 30 minutes of cleaning every day and get as far through the list as they can. Then the next day they start at the top again so as not to get behind again and work as far as they can until eventually they finished the last thing on the list and the next day they started at the top and got through the whole list in a matter of minutes and were able to get on to other chores in the house.
Now their rooms have this quick checklist that they go through everyday to keep their rooms clean and they are much happier and so am I. Below are the two lists that I created. Feel free to use them and adapt them to your children's individual needs.
Boy’s Bedroom Cleaning
Make Your Bed
Pick Up All Blankets, Pillows & Stuffed Toys
Pick Up All Dirty Clothes
Take All Dirty Clothes To The Laundry Room
Pick Up All Clean Clothes & Put Away
Put All Shoes In The Closet
Pick Up & Throw Away All Trash
Pick Up Lego’s
Pick Up All Other Toys And Put Them Away
Put Away All Things That Belong Somewhere Else
Girl’s Bedroom Cleaning
Make Your Bed
Pick Up All Blankets, Pillows & Stuffed Toys
Pick Up All Dirty Clothes
Take All Dirty Clothes To The Laundry Room
Pick Up All Clean Clothes & Put Away
Put All Shoes In The Closet
Pick Up & Throw Away All Trash
Pick Up All Dolls And Put Them Away
Pick Up All Other Toys And Put Them Away
Put Away All Things That Belong Somewhere Else
I hope you can find this as helpful as it has been to me.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Eye Glasses
Wow, I am really behind on the news! I guess that there was a news story about an online company called Zenni on Fox News I guess they offer prescription eye glasses for as low as $8! Of course I hear this after I have my whole family's eyes checked and get glasses for the ones that need them. Big C, of course had to have the Converse brand frames, which were $125.00! That's before the lenses, protective coating, shatter proofing and scratch resistance! We are totally not talking cheap here! $8 would have been a bargain! So I decided to check them out.
I went to to see what they had. I am sure they are going to have basic, run of the mill, glasses. Nothing fancy, nothing special. Boy was I wrong! They had a better selection than Sears and all of them, I mean every single child's frame was totally reasonably priced! They didn't have any designer brands for kids, that I could find, but what they did have were stylish and trendy and not a single pair was more than $29.95! Every single pair was under $30! That just can't be beat!
So now I am left thinking that I definitely paid too much for Big C's glasses. However, I know he will lose them, break them or just plain grow out of them like he does everything else at the moment. So a little vindication comes from knowing that I know am armed with the information I need to make the right decision next time!
Opening The Door To Prayer
I love this quote by Elder Henry B. Eyring from his Ensign, November 2000 talk, Write upon My Heart. It reminds us, as a mother, what a powerful and important role we play in the day to day lives as well as the eternal progression of our children and families. We are their foundation, it is our job to make sure they know that they are loved by us as well as their Heavenly Father and their Savior Jesus Christ. It is our job to open the door, to give them the foundation of prayer.
Silly Sally

If you have the opportunity to read Silly Sally by Audrey Wood, I guarantee you will love it. It is one of my all time favorite children's books. The story reads like a poem with laughable illustrations and a hilarious and very creative story line. The pages are filled with brightly colored illustrations that will keep a child attention and imagination going for a long time. It is a repetition book which is great for smaller children but it is fun enough that even my 12 year old loves it.
It begins... Silly Sally went to town walking backwards, upside down.
Along the way she met a pig, a silly pig. They danced a jig.
Silly Sally went to town dancing backwards upside down....
Along her journey to town she meets up with a pig, a dog, a loon and a sheep before meeting Neddy Buttercup who has a silly way of getting them all to town.
I just can't say enough about how much fun this book is for young children as well as older ones, myself included.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Save BIG $$$ on Groceries + a Killer Deal on Newspapers
You combine the store's sale ads with coupons to get products at amazing prices, sometimes even free!
All you need to do is visit Grocery Smarts, use password g84ctw, and they make it all so easy. They list all the stores ads, combine them with the coupons from this week and previous weeks newspapers and tell you which ones will give you the best deals.
Some of the great deals from this week were Herbal Essences Shampoo and Conditioner $0.50 each bottle, plus a free Mani or Pedicure! Power Aid Sports Drink; Free. Oral B Tooth Brush; Free. Juicy Juice, 8 pack Juice Boxes; $1.00. Duncan Hines Brownie Mix; $0.50 each. Stouffer's Family Size Dinners; 2/$5.00. These are some MAJOR savings! My receipts show well over 50% savings at all stores.
Now, I have just started so I don't have the coupon power that I will shortly. However, here is what is suggested. You should get one Sunday Paper for every member of your family, babies included. This allows you to get one product per person using the store ad and your coupons. So in my case, I would buy 7 news papers, one for each of us and I would have had 7 coupons for Power Aid. I would have been able to get 7 bottles of Power Aid for FREE! Oral B Toothbrushes, I could have gotten all of us toothbrushes for FREE! You get the picture, right?!?
Salt Lake Trib and Deseret News:
1 Sunday Paper each week $39/6 months
2 Sunday Papers each week $78/6 month + $8 Grocery Gift Card
3 Sunday Papers each week $117/6 months + $16 Grocery Gift Card
4 Sunday Papers each week $156/6 months + $32 Grocery Gift Card
Standard Examiner
1 Daily Paper and 5 Sunday Papers each week $17.50 per month for 6 months
(I know this sounds like a HUGE waste of paper, it does to me too. But just remember, all those papers you get can be taken to most elementary schools and they recycle them for money!)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Do Kids Need Computers?
Personally, I believe it does. The world is headed in a direction where computer are now the norm and will soon be a constant. Poverty nowadays comes with a cell phone and a computer. Households that do not have money for groceries have computers, Internet access and cell phone communication. It's a way of life that our children need to get used to.
Now with the gas prices the way they are and the economy in a recession, more and more employers are turning to telecommuting to save on the overhead of the business and to help their employees save on the price of gas. Working from home, even for part of the work week is becoming more and more prevalent. By the time our kids are grown, they are going to need to know the computer and Internet inside and out for their jobs, for the day to day lives. I don't know that they necessarily need their very own computer, but I do think they need one available to them, protected age appropriately and monitored closely, but they need to know how to network, how to surf the net, how to send and receive e-mail and how to type. It will affect them in the future.
Gotta Do Something Else
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Video Games All Day
It would have helped if D's bike was in riding condition, he needs a new inner tube I think. His brother managed to pop it and hasn't replaced it; instead he bought some kind of goo to fill it with. I'm not sure which way we're going on that... Anyway, D's friend said if D will fix his bike, maybe next time they're over here together, C (the friend) can bring his bike. That would be wonderful - his parents bring him in either a van or a truck so there's room. It's better when D goes to C's house, they have a trampoline, a large yard, lots of places to go in the neighborhood.
Because D never leaves the house normally, I had thought of a treadmill for exercise but exercise bikes might be better. I'd like either one and I know D (and C when he comes over) would be all into hooking them up to something. We could have a whole row of them! At least when they sit all day on games, they'd have to exercise to make them run. Some of these exercise bikes you can make payments on; when it's too hot to be outside, they and I could still be treating our bodies right!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Well I Tried!
To me, this means it's not my fault if I don't get rid of all these things - I was GOING to. Really, I was. But I'm not selfish enough to follow through with it. See, it's not laziness this time, it's my noble character shining through!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Troubled Computer - Frantic Son
Now he's trying to persuade me we need a flat monitor for both computers! I like the idea because then I can move this monitor up to the higher shelf and stand while i use the computer and down for him. He wants to sit while he uses the computer so we'd both be happy. Those thin monitors are easy and mobile, especially compared to lugging these huge unbalanced "old style" monitors. I already have been looking but he doesn't need to know that yet!
Monday, June 30, 2008
I Love A Good Massage
I realized today that returning this to get a bike is not that reasonable. I know I won't be outside while it's this hot, I hate the heat. And D's bike is still sitting here with a flat tire, if we won't go to the trouble to fix it, why should I buy another bike to leave sitting around? Maybe I'd better unpack that cushion again. After all, the cushion feels wonderful on my back, it has the revolving "knobs" that go up and down your back while rotating, what luxury! If I end up with a neck ache, well D has been massaging my neck for $$! Put the two together and it works out well, actually. I think I just made up my mind.
Where Have All The Recesses Gone?
So, we send kids to school, they sit all day, are not allowed to interact generally, then are made to clear their plates in the cafeteria (I doubt many schools do this but some do to avoid wasting food), have a very short time to be active, then back to more sitting. After that, they go home and sit to do homework much of the evening. Then we wonder why our American children need to lose weight?
Yes, I realize video games, computer games, TV, all that, contribute a great deal but where do children have role models or the chance to MOVE?!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Unbounded Laziness
Instead of setting some obvious goal like go through and completely take care of one box a day or even one box a WEEK, I read or sleep and worry about my job. The big giant air hockey table I need to sell is still sitting in my dining room; I actually DID put an ad up for that but someone took the ad and never called. You would think after discovering that three weeks or so ago, I would have put up another one by now! Not so. My laziness knows no bounds...
Horses and Playgrounds
The other thing about this park she likes is that there are horses right beside it. They're in a fence, belong to the neighboring house, but the horses come up to the fence and littles pet their noses. Pretty cute. We didn't discuss how horses need a lot of room to run, plenty of fresh grass, horse supplements at times, or any of that, she's only four and she just wants to touch them.
Little D likes the horses but is more interested in cows, he had a toy cowboy and a toy cow today, so of course, the cowboy was riding the cow! Babies are so cute and adorable. I'm glad we have a new place to take them instead of always to the same neighborhood playground.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Even Dreaded Jobs Have Perks
Adorable, Beautiful Babies and Their Stuff!
This time it's a toy, earlier my daughter-in-law asked for bedding for the baby - she and my son were surprised at how many times a baby's sheets need to be changed! I sent several a few weeks ago, now I'm wondering if they need more, should I say I'm hoping?! There are so many adorable things for babies! This site has plenty of baby bedding, it also has pre-baby things for the soon-to-be-mommy.
Check this out on that page, it's HILARIOUS! Under Most Popular Selling Products, middle of the section, it's great! The pacifier, do you see what it says?! I work on the phones all day and that really struck me, I'm still smiling about it!
Monday, June 23, 2008
This is what Sleep should be
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Where should I spend it?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Scary, scary, scary -Job change
Today I found one to apply for, it should be the perfect fit. I feel guilty because where I'm working now is a work-at-home job, the people are great, the pay is what I need, the hours are perfect, everything would be fine if I could stand the actual work. But I can't. So after all their investment in my training, I'm going to quit? That feels so wrong! But if I can get this other job, I have to.
It's scary because this new job may not be a good fit either, I won't know until I try it. If it's not, I have no recourse! Oh, well, here goes, time to update and send in my resume.
Besides, I probably should leave my house once in a while.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Shrinking for Health and Happiness
She moved away for a long time with her mother to be under a doctor's care and had surgery. I don't know if it was lap-band los angeles area surgery but there are centers in several locations. Now she's over 250 pounds lighter, her face is sparkling, she has energy and...a beautiful baby boy! Not that that will be the result every time :-) . I'm so happy for her!
I don't know what other health problems she had, obviously people that get that huge don't do it just from overeating. But just being normal sized helped her self-esteem enough to give her a better attitude toward her health - we all know how much of an impact attitude has on a person!
Is It Really So Hard To Send Mail?
The package contained birthday cards, anniversary card, Mother's Day, pictures of the babies. Why is that bad? Their 50th anniversary was in FEBRUARY! Their 50th! That's major and wonderful so what kind of daughter waits this long to send cards and gifts?? One like me apparently.
It's not entirely my fault in a way. My dad hates holidays and attention, my son (not D) is the same way. Well, yes, D is too quite often. The boys' dad was too. Surrounded by males who don't want to be told when to acknowledge their loved ones or when to acknowledge BEING acknowledged as a loved one - well, that's my excuse. Are you buying it?
Outdoor Gear Time!
What the guys will like about these tactical pants is probably the fact that they're covered with pockets - okay, maybe they WILL care about how tough these are. They will appreciate not having to deal with bottoms ripped out of pockets they've stashed whatever equipment they need in. It says they're reinforced, double grommeted, all that.
Lots of other stuff here too, not just clothes. I've got a brother-in-law who's a prison guard in California, he's always looking at things like this too. You should see all the boys (my boys, his boys, their friends) with their eyes lit up looking at things he uses! His family is also seriously into back country hiking, way beyond the bounds of civilization, so tough and durable matters.
Is There Still Slavery?
It made me start thinking of people working in cotton fields, workers, slaves. That led me to wonder about people who are slaves now, even if we call where they work a sweatshop. Are there really still these situations? I've heard references to it from those who are furious about outsourcing by "money-grubbing" big companies. It goes against what America stands for; to make a profit off of slavery is definitely anti-American. I've read about slavery all through history, in most ancient cultures. It sounds as if every group of people have been slaves at one time or another - Greeks, Celts, Africans, Jews... Does it really still go on? And I'm not talking about people who are kidnapped against the laws of their country, I know that goes on everywhere. I'm talking about where it's just a fact of life, maybe even legal.
All this from tree seeds blowing in the wind.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Reminders Of Home
Just last night I read a blog written by a woman living in a foreign country; she was missing her home. Can't you just imagine how wonderful it would be for a friend or family member to send her a gift basket of things from home? That could even work in America for people who have moved to a distinctly different part of the country - send grits and magnolia scented somethings to a displaced southerner, packets of coffee from that special shop to a northerner who's moved...whatever feels like "home".
Truth or Rumor?
If true, I still say genitals decide the bathroom!
If not, I thank God we haven't sunk as far as I feared!
They Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To!
I've worked in a retail store and can't imagine how bad it would be for someone to have to ask for a product to take care of a problem they don't want to discuss with a stranger. At least they can see aisle headings and just go look for what they need. We sold a LOT of supplies for bladder control to old people. And I know of more than one woman that need things like that after having babies/surgery.
If these things are produced and people need them, I guess it's only fair that people see ads for them, even as distasteful as it may be. Are these physical problems increasing? Guess when it comes to human bodies, they don't make 'em like they used to!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I Want Traveling To Be Cheap and Easy Again
Really I need to get online and check out distances, gas prices, cost of mailing boxes, all those things, before I can make a wise decision. I procrastinate because, so far, everything I discover says it will be prohibitively expensive no matter what I choose. So here we sit...
Daydreaming about Homes
Something I've noticed is that I like brick homes, many are stunningly beautiful! But so many homes have vinyl siding instead of brick. The first home I owned, our "real" home where my babies were raised, was a 3 bedroom house with vinyl siding and I quickly saw the advantages. It looks as good as wood but comes minus the termites! The look of brick is beautiful but this is earthquake country - I imagine piles of bricks crumbling on our heads if a tremor hits! Maybe it wouldn't but it worries me anyway. Besides, vinyl is cheaper to buy and cheaper to repair.
I just have to decide where I want to live permanently and if I do at all. Somewhere with no mice, spiders, bugs, no deadly hot summers, reasonable snowfall, neighbors that disappear when I want to be alone and re-appear when I'm feeling like having company...
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Just Take A Look!
I was considering going in with my brother on a place in Colorado but the law they passed (or are considering passing?) is horrible! Good grief, what an idea, to not allow separate bathrooms because someone is not normal? Some people who wish they were the opposite sex that they are, someone whose physical body doesn't match their mental makeup, someone who is "deformed" determines how normal people live?!
Do we also have to plant a little pet area in the restrooms for those who are confused and think they're dogs? Do we have to outlaw running tracks because some people can't run? Outlaw school because some people are retarded and it's mean to make them feel abnormal?
They ARE abnormal. It's a sad thing and helping messed-up people is part of what we need to do, but to adjust the entire world to pander to (not the right phrase) sick, hurt, deformed people to the detriment of people who are not suffering that way is way out of line!
Bathrooms are about genitals, people! Take a look and go to the appropriate place!
Exercise, Exercise, Come On Everybody, Do Your Exercise
He wants one to run a motor that will do something, we haven't figured out what yet. The boys' dad always said he wants one that is required to go a certain speed to run the TV. I love that idea but we don't watch THAT much TV. Their dad did but we don't. I'd like to try one that runs my computer but I'm afraid to hook it to my work computer. What if I don't have that much energy one day at 6 a.m.?
Exercise machines come with all sorts of entertainment options to hook to them. But this I don't get - they're not run by your exercise! They're just to entertain you WHILE you work out. So I'll be spending tons of money (or would be if I had it to spend!) for a machine to do artificial exercise on that D will take apart to make even harder to use!
Maybe I'm strange but it sounds like fun to me.
Doors and Alarms and Baby Tinys
D's door closes but has no lock. For his friend's birthday, I bought a gift for the friend and one for D - alarm systems from SpyGear. Both the boys (D and his friend) have little ones to keep their stuff protected from. They've set up these alarms so that whenever a little crosses the beam of light, the first alarm goes off, then a bit later, a shrieking LOUD alarm starts blaring and THEN (yes, there's more :-) it shoots a rubber dart at the intruder! Very funny to watch the littles get caught.
I want a fancy front door. I'm thinking of looking for a home to buy again so I can do what I want with it. The toss-up is that then I'd have to do all the maintenance myself. Doors, blinds, painting, etc. - all that is fine, even fun. But for fixing water heaters and electrical problems I really prefer being able to just make a call for FREE help!
Now I'm All Set Up
It was just a huge, high cabinet basically, something I really don't have space for. Or space that I don't want to use like that and they didn't sell any anyway. Instead of looking for a store fixture supply outlet, I asked the guy for something a little weird. You know the pull out tray for keyboards that are attached to computer desks? I didn't see why I couldn't just get one of those and attach it to my shelves.
THEY SELL THEM! It's perfectly normal to ask for one! Most likely they're intended to replace one that broke on your computer desk but still...